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Abba Story forum (page 1)
Feel free to discuss about the best band ever here
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CHERRY (13/03/2006 17:21:15)

jeg like dere er best.
Ashley (12/03/2006 06:41:00)
Abba has been my fav since my childhood, esp 'Mamma Mia' I love this site and I love you abba
Ricky (08/03/2006 17:14:51)
guitar , drums and flute are used in Fernando
abbaado (08/03/2006 16:55:20)
anybody know wich instruments that were used in FErnando?
Sarah (08/03/2006 14:53:43)
I love this site and I love ABBA.
Ricky (06/03/2006 02:54:48)
Hi All!!

I would like to show you all my site please feel free to register there :)
larry stallard (05/03/2006 17:33:22)
I am still amazed at the sound that you had,and love to hear the quality of your music,I live in Elsalvador now,on the beach,and your music is loud and clear every day at my home.come and visit me.Larry
Emily (04/03/2006 18:09:09)
Hello, my name is Emily, I am of Venezuela I am 14 years old, and I like much ABBA, in spite of my age their songs are my favorites and I have all
Ricky (04/03/2006 00:42:23)
yes you can get abba albums sung in swedish
peterb (25/02/2006 20:17:27)
Can you get Abba albums sung in Swedish. Did they record in both languages?
Rewin (23/02/2006 02:41:54)
I love ABBA. Is it possible to make a concert in Indonesia (Jakarta)? I long for this news.
Håkansson (22/02/2006 06:46:03)
Thank you BMurphy for your concern...
BMurphy (19/02/2006 18:08:08)
Sorry to see an idiot with nothing better to do has hurt so many people who love the ABBA members and their former group. Best of luck on the rebuild of your site!
alexis (18/02/2006 03:37:49)
Drügmund (17/02/2006 04:38:54)
I'm back on the forum again ! Long live to Abba !
Charlotte (13/02/2006 15:08:55)
Thi is a very good site...
reginaldo (11/02/2006 04:44:24)
como estão hj em dia os integrantes desta banda??
Rocky (07/02/2006 10:23:42)
Si j'y choppe le salaud qu'a fait ça, j'y frise les oreilles...
Knüt (07/02/2006 10:22:04)
Long life to the new forum ! Halleluya !
Webmaster (06/02/2006 11:19:45)
Hello people,
As you can see an asshole (I'm sorry but there is no other word to call those kind of people) hacked my site. I'm going to rebuild it.
Long live Abba !
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