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Abba Story forum (page 5)
Feel free to discuss about the best band ever here
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william (14/11/2006 05:51:05)
Abba music always gives me peace when i needed it real masterpieces like Cassandra and Should i laugh or cry the melody and the arrangements is so magical . I only wished they make a christmas album as a last gift to us.
No.1 Abba Fan (09/11/2006 02:18:00)
Hi i Absolutely love Abba, i'm only 16 but i believe that Abba made the best music in the entire history of music
Gina McKee (07/11/2006 16:54:09)
I'm only fourteen so Abba split up way before I was born, but I still love their music! It's brilliant! I was soo happy when I found this site and all these other abba fans.
Alistair McClements (02/11/2006 09:14:21)
I thought Abba was the best pop group ever. I was saddened when they decided to go their seperate ways. My favourite songs were Fernando and chiquitia. I fell in love with Agnetha just like all the other fellas .
Thankyou for the music.
Rhonda McClements (02/11/2006 09:08:00)
I am a huge fan of Abba I have been a fan for 15 years now. My favourite song is Dancing Queen. Their music was second to none

Abba thank you for the music.
Steven Edwards (02/11/2006 07:22:58)
I'm a very big fan of Abba. I've got all their albums. Benny and Bjorn are appearing on X-Factor this week, I watch the show regularly but I'm looking forward to them appearing on the show. Their music is briliant! Luv u forever!
Filippo (01/11/2006 10:04:49)
Abba!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the music! I'm Italian and i'm twenty yars old... this is a simple of your immortality!!!!
(I'm looking for a japanese pen friend....)
patricia randquist (30/10/2006 09:05:07)
Hi, you met me? who are you...and to answer your question my self, no I am not one of the original singers:)
abuamoud2000 (22/10/2006 00:32:51)
R.P. (20/10/2006 06:53:12)
I met a woman in Germany who is associated with ABBA . Her name is Patricia Randquist. Is she one of the original singers?
Raffi Bakkalian (18/10/2006 12:25:26)
I cannot describe my happiness when I found ABBA's site.It took me to the 1970's,made me relive their marvellous songs,and enjoy this memorable band.
I really like ABBA;all their songs,their performance,their unique voice....almost everything about them.
Jefferson Tsai (16/10/2006 15:56:09)
Hi, I'm an ABBA fan from Taiwan. I guess I am the first asian to submit here. I have been listening to ABBA for 25 years and still not get tired of it. Some benign websites say their music is cheesy but I don't think so. Their music are far more longlasting than some chart toppers. My favorite ABBA songs are Hasta Manana, I've been waiting for you, SOS, Fernando, Dancing Queen, When I kiss the teacher, Super Trouper, Slipping through my fingers. Nice to meet you all here!
agnetha_andrea (28/09/2006 06:05:16)
Great site!!! It is always wonderful to found more pages dedicated to my favourite group. Never in music history they have had such an impact in many artist and their songs are classics. That's why my generation is encouraged to listen to ABBA. I believe this amazing group make us feel what good music can: they have make us laugh, cry, dance and sing!!! Thanks to Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Frida for this amazing gift...
Andrea xx
Adam G (23/09/2006 06:31:47)
What an incredible impact this band has had on music history. I truly wish that the band would preform at least one more time... a world tour ... What a blessing that would be for our world. Please think about it?

Denver, Colorado
Paul (20/09/2006 02:43:14)
What a wonderful website always a pleasure to hear the songs of ABBA what ever the time of day. Thank God for ABBA
ABBA-Fan (18/09/2006 13:28:01)
Elin (10/09/2006 13:27:27)
I am from sweden!
that's all I wanted to say!
they're my love, my life
so long!
lifrid :) (06/09/2006 20:44:25)
hello , i just want to say that abba has changed my lifevwith their brilliant lyrics and melody.. alll what i do is because abba exists in me, my soul, my life , i must say abba is everything to mee.. i dont know how to share my happiness when abba is on, i dance, eat , sleep , work, dream all with abba....see you later, my regards from peru
marielle(fridnetha) (03/09/2006 06:36:48)
i love abba,they always make me happy.........
Ferrrrr Ferrrrrrrr (02/09/2006 14:47:11)
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