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Abba Story forum (page 9)
Feel free to discuss about the best band ever here
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Coco (02/06/2009 06:05:12)
I just wanna know......
Who is under 60 here???

Well..... I would be one of them! I'm 29!!!!!! ABBA rocks!
Abbadabbadooo (02/06/2009 05:59:01)
Dumb site!!!!!
Wiki's way better!!!!
dyako randy abo (15/05/2009 14:34:32)
abba has touched me dearly...cant get over them
Chris (06/05/2009 15:27:19)
Hey there!

Visit http://www.urfantastic.co.uk to support Abba and win the chance to go to the Britain's Got Talent Final.
no one (26/04/2009 18:19:04)
I'm only 11 and I think ABBA were the greatest group ever!!!!
bogdan (26/04/2009 07:14:23)
Hey !! everybody I'm 32 years old and i love ABBA.No matter how hard today artists try , they'll never reach the heights to which send my spirit like ABBA group.I love pop music.
ABBA IT simply THE BEST group i ever seen.
gbgf (25/03/2009 20:24:16)
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Alicia (25/03/2009 00:27:00)
I am 25 and I love ABBA! I wish they could reunite and make a tour around the world together. I´d follow them for sure!
SNENA (09/03/2009 05:02:34)
I love abba from the year that I was born and till now I am an old lady.. they are still the number one band there is still up to this verry date 2009. Abba if your out there please sing out again and be here for your fans...
pedro (16/02/2009 17:20:43)
Lady Agnetha story
in an \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'open office \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' file
lots of pics among the text

go here
http://rapidshare.com/files/156971029/LADY_AGNETH__FOU R_PARTS_DIGI_SPY.zip

if the files won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t open

get the free \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'open office\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' software
go here


when the file opens up click \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'view\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\' top left
then hit ..... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'full page\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
goldbu (16/02/2009 17:12:38)
don t you have to register for this forum ?
Lionel (09/12/2008 02:10:02)
Thanks Julia and Betty!
Betsy (02/12/2008 18:45:19)
Hi! This is Betsy from the Emily and Betsy tribute video:


We didn't try to re-sing the songs... we used all original ABBA music and tried to recreate some of their music video styles. We tried to be authentic. We love ABBA!
Julia (01/12/2008 00:46:56)
Here is a great ABBA tribute to some of their greatest video hits:

Steve (12/11/2008 01:42:36)
P.s. I wont see Mamma mia or any tribute bands. I always prefer the original or nothing. Its just not the same. I like Steps who had a small slice of in some songs, but really for their chart songs, not for the stage stuff.
Steve (12/11/2008 00:52:21)
Im still head over heels with agnetha. She had it all, the voice, the looks. I wish i was born 10yrs earlier as i never saw them live & i feel rad at that. We should beam their music into space as it tells of the better side of human life even when its not so good!
Joan (30/10/2008 14:20:42)
It seems like Björn is moving to Gotland, the biggest island in Sweden. Well, mabye not moving, but going to build another house. A large creatorhouse, as the swedish media calls it.
http://nyheter24.se/nyheter/utrikes/38995-bjrn-ulveus-blir -gotlnning
Justin (23/10/2008 05:01:44)
I love their music
Lizzy (14/10/2008 19:28:40)
Will Abba reunite in November?
Paul (17/09/2008 04:06:15)
Here is a video of Abba paying tribute to the Beatles with "Day Tripper" !
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